Case Study

Randi Rubenstein

Best-selling Author, Parent Coach
A best-selling author and parent coach was looking to take her business to the next level and expand the reach of her parenting programs.



the amount by which we exceeded our program participation goal


TV, print and radio/podcast media hits


referral network growth


social media audience growth

  From the Client
Here’s how I feel you’ve been most valuable in my biz: 1. Simplification and Clarity of what I’m selling: Helping me identify what I’m selling, package it up, simplify and be able to quickly make a sale in a simple way (Basics, ViP - spelling out what the price is, what comes with the price and putting it all on a sales page with a clear automated protocol to get someone to pay and then receive the materials) 2. Hiring people, creating a team and communicated what their job is 3. Systems to work smarter not harder 4. Reaching out and asking people that have been served by me to be generous and spread the word in return 5. The importance of follow up and a system to do 6. Improve my branding and create a more professional design presence. 7.. Most importantly, the validation that “I’m really onto something” and the push to truly go bigger. You helped me build momentum and create a tremendous amount of growth in terms of credibility in a very short amount of time. You helped me set goals and attach a dollar value. Because of you, there is a chance that the business will hit 6 figures in the next year. I think the executive coaching piece is what you are masterful at doing. I loved you in that role. Randi Rubenstein Best-Selling Author & Parenting Coach
  • Establish growth metrics and milestones (revenue, program participant goals, and email list growth)
  • Define roles and responsibilities for company
  • Create a referral network to help spread the word and augment the growth strategy
  • Create a scalable, online delivery format to take the previously 1:1 business format to one that could serve the masses in an equally effective way
  • Drive participation in the group program
  • Set up pricing for the group and individual programs; test and validate the price points
  • Set up systems and processes to support the growth and pave the way for future efficiencies
  • Augment the level of professionalism and overall customer experience from the point of attraction to the point of purchase
  • Select and manage the PR firm to help support the overall effort
  • Relieve the founder/CEO of the tasks that bogged her down to allow her to stay in her zone and focus on content development